Microsoft April 2023 Patch Tuesday

Microsoft has released updates as part of its April 2023 Patch Tuesday.

Of all the updates released today, there were a total of 97 security fixes. This includes one zero-day vulnerability, tracked as CVE-2023-28252, that is actively exploited in the wild by ransomware actors and affiliates. When exploited, the zero-day allows an attacker to elevate privilege to SYSTEM, gaining full access to the target system.

According to Bleeping Computer, other security vulnerabilities fixed include:

  • 20 Elevation of Privilege Vulnerabilities

  • 8 Security Feature Bypass Vulnerabilities

  • 45 Remote Code Execution Vulnerabilities

  • 10 Information Disclosure Vulnerabilities

  • 9 Denial of Service Vulnerabilities

  • 6 Spoofing Vulnerabilities

Windows users are advised to update their systems as soon as possible to close the vulnerabilities. Priority consideration should be given to the actively exploited CVE-2023-28252, then critical vulnerabilities.





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