Slowly Ramping Up

Got a little busy after my last post. It was the holidays and I went for a relaxing vacation. But it is now crunch time! Just set up a proper business phone, got my logo done, and have an accountant looking at my finances. Next up, hope to get some new clients to show off our services too.

Small to medium businesses nowadays may be struggling with two different technology areas depending on where they are in their journey. First, it is digital transformation. In this day and age, it is much more difficult to find businesses that do not use IT, but they still exist. For those who do use IT, they may struggle with taking advantage of the technology to maximize value or just to use it for the basics. On top of this, cybersecurity is becoming a huge issue. Those who struggle to digitally transform will face or may have already faced attacks against the technology that they may not have even utilized much yet. I want to help all of you make use of technology while keeping as secure as can be so that you are able to accomplish more with technology.


City of Toronto and Cineplex Compromised by Clop Ransomware


New Website!